# Useful Tools
This collaboration of tools help with small tasks surrounding the map making process.
# Map Creation
ScribbleMaps (opens new window)
Create a map in few simple steps to share with others.
StepMap (opens new window)
Another tool to create simple maps in easy steps.
# Data Extraction
Overpass Turbo (opens new window)
Overpass Turbo allows the extraction of OPenStreetMap data with integration of certain criterias. It is free to use.
BBBike extracts (opens new window)
This free online tool provide access to download specific data from OpenStreetMap in various file formats.
# Geospatial Data Converter
Mapshaper (opens new window)
Mapshaper is an online tool to display and convert geospatial data in various file formats (SHP, GeoJSON, etc.) for exploring properties and geometry of the data.
Geoconverter (opens new window)
The free online tool provides an easy way to convert WMS and WFS layers to downloadable content as well as vector and raster files to various other file formats.
Geocoder (opens new window) Map adresses to actual locations in batches with this online tool.
# Misc
Datawrapper (opens new window)
A commercial and easy-to-use interface to easily create data visualizations and maps with your data.
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names online (opens new window)
The collection of vocabularies provides geographical names to improve terminology and addtitional information of geographic objects. Searching a geographic feature provides terminology in different languages, coordiantes and historical information.
Cartography Assets (opens new window)
A forum to share map making ressources for imaginary and fantasy maps.
# Non-Cartography
These tool are more focused on design but turned out to be useful for certain map making techniques and web development.