# What's new

In this section news and interesting findings are listed, that have been added to the collection.

# 30 Jun 2020 - Font Pairing Collection extended

The font pair collection now has an practical example of a map and font styles with each family. This was inspired from Gretchen Peterson's book Cartographer's Toolkit (opens new window). The area depicted in the map is a part of Port Hunter north of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

font pairs

# 17 Jun 2020 - Beginning of Font Pairing Collection

I started to compile my collection of font pairs. Furthermore it is planned to see a map example similar to Color Schemes with direct usage of these font families.

# 11 Jun 2020 - Visual Variables Guide has now Examples

To illustrate my understanding of the topic I tried to apply it on some simple maps. These are now featured in the article.

# 8 Jun 2020 - Color Schemes visualized

Here is a starting collection of color schemes with visual examples depending on use case (for now base map and choropleth maps). The colors are given in HEX and RGB. The collection will be updated continously.

color palettes

# 6 Jun 2020 - Picking up Work again

After some exciting months with a lot of change regarding plans, job, etc. due to COVID-19, I am now able to continue working on Cartosquad. Theory studies are being worked on, tutorials will be included, techniques outlined and content updated, such as the conference overview (is deleted for now).

Practicing Vue.js on the way I started collecting and implementing the maps. To display them interstingly not only in a list, they are also filterable. More maps are getting added by time. Only maps, that I can find an author and source for are available. Have fun exploring!

# 8 Jan 2020 - Cartosquad going live! (on Netlify)

I finally figured out how to deploy the site to be able to use the content and contribute from other places than my laptop. There are many construction sites left, but I found myself in situations where I could have used the information I collected here but was unable to access as I only had it locally stored on my laptop. Not anymore! And now everyone is able to gather content. Have fun exploring!

# Todo

  • map gallery lighbox
  • fonts > Labeling & Characteristics
  • Map Symbolizations
  • Visual Hierarchy
  • Basemap Design
  • map symbols pics
  • map types
  • Generalization & Scale
  • Mini Tutorials
  • Collection Guides
  • Data Sources
Last Updated: 6/30/2020, 4:35:06 PM